People Coordination

People Coordination

Enjoy pain-free change management—Tonkean makes processes and systems work for people, not the other way around.
People Coordination
Trusted by enterprises like

What is people coordination?

It’s about keeping people involved and engaged in processes when they're needed and not bothering them when they aren't. Unlike most automation platforms, Tonkean is designed from its foundation to orchestrate human-centric processes, ensuring key decision-makers are always included in your workflow.

Add actions for people in your workflow
Add actions for people in your workflow

Add actions for people in your workflow

Do you need to ask a question, get approval, or get some of kind of input from someone in your workflow? Easily weave people actions together with workflow actions and data actions to create end-to-end solutions inclusive of all parts of your process. You can even set your workflow to wait for input from the right person before continuing to the next step, ensuring the bots never run off the rails.


Cut the back-and-forth and get critical information fast

Do your processes depend on other teams that use different systems? Create forms in Tonkean that can gather pertinent information from different teams in one place and feed everything into your automated workflow.

Cut the back-and-forth and get critical information fast
Cut the back-and-forth and get critical information fast
Let people work where they want
Let people work where they want

Let people work where they want

Avoid the pain of learning yet another system and let people keep using the tools they actually like. Push key data to and coordinate actions wherever your team's already working: email, Slack, MS Teams, or whatever tool your team finds most natural.


Track the status of every action item

Ensure nothing falls through the cracks. Business reports and custom interfaces provide real-time visibility into the status and details of every action item, including who owns it, when it’s due, how urgent it is, and more.

You can also roll all that data up into a workspace app that your team can leverage to interact with your solution directly.

Track the status of every action item
Track the status of every action item

How can you better coordinate with your people?

From onboarding new customers to triaging legal inboxes, operations teams can now build endless solutions to optimize processes, provide better experiences for people, and deliver business outcomes.

How can you better coordinate with your people?

Explore the power of Tonkean's

People Coordination

Create a process experience that works.

Maximize adoption, compliance, and efficiency.
Transform your internal processes with powerful AI and personalized experience. 100% no-code.